Principal’s Message

Dr.Vijay V Keskar
Principal, ITGP's Vishwasrao Ransing College
Vishwasrao Ransing College ( Arts, Science and Commerce) Kalamb Walchandnagar Tal Indapur Dist-Pune was established in 1984 by Indapur Taluka Gramvikas Pratishthan, in Maharashtra, founded in 1979. Based on the motto तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय ‘ envisaged by the visionaries who then established the ITGP, the entire functioning of the college rests on the vision and mission in both letter and spirit. It has grown from a humble beginning to a glorious destination today in its 40th year of establishment and is aiming to scale greater heights in the fields of education, research, performing arts, sports and social activities.
During its initial phase of development, B.A. and B.Com. degree courses were started in the college. Later during 2014, a major decision to start Bachelor course in Science & Post Graduate courses in Commerce was initiated by the Society and was implemented successfully by the college. The college got NAAC accreditation done in 2004 and then re-accredited with ‘B grade in 2017.
The college is permanently affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU), Pune (formerly University of Pune). The College has acquired 2(f) and 12(B) status of UGC. The college provides various academic facilities to attain Bachelor’s in the fields of Arts, Science, Commerce and Master’s degrees in Commerce. The college not only ensures the academic development of the students but also provides them with opportunities to prove themselves by undertaking research, extra-curricular and co-curricular activities. Moreover, in the field of sports the college has recently made a name for itself.
These efforts of the College have produced great Players, Defense Officers, Industrialists, Gazetted Officers, Academicians, and Police Officers. In other words, from amongst its alumni, the college has given to the region teachers, researchers, administrators, entrepreneurs, artists and lawyers.
The College has made sincere efforts to inculcate discipline amongst students, establishing systematic mechanism of performance assessment of the students and teachers as well, promoting research, initiating consultancy services and , arranging alumni ,academia meetings, undertaking activities to conserve energy, protect environment, increase allegiance to the society at large to achieving better quality of life are some of the hallmark features of the college.
In a nut-shell this message could be summed up by taking recourse to the invaluable saying that ‘तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय ‘is the motto, From Darkness Lead us to Light.
I would like to thank authorities of Indapur Taluka Gramvikas Pratishthan and each and every individual colleague for his/her valuable contribution in every achievement of the college. I express my deep sense of gratitude to the President Hon. Smt. Anandibai V. Ransing , Secretary Hon. Virsinh V. Ransing and all Trustees for their valuable guidance and continuous encouragement.
Thanks are also due to the untiring efforts of the IQAC members, Vice-Principal, Faculty In Charge, Heads of Departments, Members of the Steering Committee and all teachers for their support in our journey towards excellence. The Coordinator and the Assistant Coordinators of IQAC have played a pivotal role in propagating quality initiatives in the college and enhancing further the role of IQAC. Office Superintendent and the administrative staff have responded very well and worked very efficiently.